25 wayѕ тo ѕaғe coмpυтιng

25 ways to participate in Computer Security Day

1. Display computer security posters.
2. Display WCSD logo on your blog, facebook, twitter, website, etc
3. Change your password
4. Check for computer viruses.
5. Update your anti-virus/anti-malware
6. Update your Windows (or other OS)
7. Clean your computer and the immediate area.
8. Back-up your data. (after being certain that it is virus-free.)
9. Delete unneeded files and apps (and facebook 'friends' that u don't remember seeing in the last 5 years!)
10. Update all your installed and relevant software such as adobe reader
11. Promote computer security best practice.
12. Publicize existing computer security policy.
13. Issue new and improved computer security policy.
14. Declare an amnesty day for computer security violators who wish to reform.
15. Announce COMPUTER SECURITY DAY in your internal newsletter.
16. Install and inspect power surge protection as appropriate.
17. Post "No Drinking" and "No Smoking" signs in computer areas.
18. Develop a recovery plan for all computer systems that require one.
19. Verify that passwords are not "Posted" and all other keys are secured.
20. Verify that backup power and air conditioning fit your needs.
21. Hold a discussion of ethics with computer users.
22.Volunteer to speak about computer security at a local computer club
or school (and register to be a CyberSAFE ambassador!)
23. Register and pay for all commercial software that is used on your computer.
24. Consider the privacy aspect of the data on your computer and protect it.
25. Help to propagate computer security awareness!

for more on computer security, visit: www.cybersecurity.my